
Thursday, November 20, 2014

What about my hair?...P O Day 158

I'm sorry to say my hair is still falling out. I think this has been going on long enough now. It started at about six weeks  post op and according to a Google search this is a fairly normal response to surgery, anesthesia and the stress of it all. But it is supposed to stop eventually. My hair is falling out as much now as when it started. I inspected a few of the fallen hairs yesterday and they do not appear to have a root attached. But I am pretty sure the hairs are not breaking off.

When I brush my hair, several hair appear on the bathroom vanity. If I lean over my iPad and just give my head a firm shake-tossle, at least two or three hairs flutters down to the glass iPad screen. My hair started out pretty thick but I don't think it can hold out much longer. I've never felt hirsutely threatened before but things are getting pretty serious.

My really short haircut is doing a good job of disguising the thinner hair. But I am beginning to wonder if I should be doing something.  I've read that women can use minoxidil, the rub on lotion to stop balding. My brother in law used it. He said when he sweat, the sweat and lotion ran down his neck and back and that's where he grew a lot of new hair! But not on his head. I don't think this is a treatment for me!

I do "color" my hair but I looked on the web again (Google) and was reassured that hair coloring, properly done, did not damage the hair follicle  and root. Thank goodness, as I just am not ready to be dull grey. Actually I don't see a lot of grey as my hair grows but the "natural" color is just dull, bland, boring. I'm not ready to go au naturale, but when does one stop being a strawberry blond or a reddish auburn? Will I still be dying my hair at 90? Speaking of hair coloring, has anyone else noticed that the female blond newscasters seem to now purposely show some dark roots? Is it a modern look?

I am ready for Telogen affluvian to be over but not ready to try minoxidil! A hairy back is bad enough on a guy!

Archive timeline: 2014: May and June - preparing for surgery, July - surgery and post op problems, August - rXecovery and physical therapy, September - thinking medically, October...returning to normal. November - almost there.

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