
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Serious stuff again...PODay 164

In spite of all the security problems with electronic health records and the known breaches in the systems, sharing our medical information is a way we can contribute to medical advances. Anonymous collection of data on such mundane medical interactions as your well patient check up can translate to real advances in medical treatment for all of us.

An online website for people with chronic conditions, PATIENTS LIKE ME, has begun a social media campaign for sharing information about your disease, its treatment and your progress. The goal is to build a data base of personal histories that will lead to better treatment for everyone. If participation is anonymous, it seems like a very good idea. Patient and physician stand to learn a lot from members.

Of course, everyone from government administrators to medical professionals to ordinary patients worry about the apparent proliferation of security breaches since the advent of the electronic health record system. The "stealing"of information has graduated from computer hacking from remote locations to a recent episode where a hospital employee was physically coerced into providing passwords for stolen computer equipment so the criminal could have access to personal patient data.

Department of Veterans Affairs Chief Information Officer Stephen Warren stressed that, while security breaches were a constant concern, we cannot let them thwart the drive to provide better medical decisions, gain new insights, new discoveries and better health for everyone through data collection.

If the data can be compiled anonymously, it appears safe. The problem arises when our personal information comes along with it. Just like here, I can pour my heart out to total strangers under the pseudonym Willet. But the day my Willet identity accidentally was replaced with my real name I was panic stricken until I got my nom de plume back. It's not that I don't love you all, I just don't want you knocking on my door!


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