
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

On the road again...PO Day 143

                                                                     Gingko Biloba

North Carolina was beautiful. The mountainsides were rich with reds and yellows, it looked like a manic French Impressionist had run amok. Our long pants and sweaters were overkill, temperatures
were in the mid eighties. Thank goodness for air conditioning everywhere. But it cooled off nicely at night and gave us a taste of fall which we were hoping for. Asheville stands out as the downtown streets are lined with ginkgo trees. This time of year their leaves are changing from green to lemon yellow and the streets are lightly littered with scattered leaves. But the Ginkgo tree  puts on a special performance...the day finally comes when all the yellow fall leaves drop in unison and the ground
beneath the tree is a round lush carpet of fan shaped yellow leaves.

We rendez-voused with la belle fille and son in law who are visiting the area for a longer time. They acted as chef and chauffeur and we are now officially spoiled. They treated us like visiting royalty. We dined in and out, shopped till we dropped, and cruised winding, switchback country roads where colored leaves fell like confetti. The little towns like Bat Cave and Lake Lure were bustling with tourists and finding a place to park in antique shop filled Hendersonville was a challenge. But it is nearly the end off the season and soon the cute pubs and chi chi shops will belong to the locals again.

We never stay in one place for long...except for home. So, before we wore out our welcome, we were on the way home. There's mail to sort through and laundry to sort out. And plenty of errands to run tomorrow. Most important, I have to get back to my home physical therapy. Between inactivity and the constrained position of driving  my arm is reminding me that it requires daily attention and exercise. The other thing is our weather is about to change dramatically. The cool fall temperatures we drove 500 mikes to experience is about to come to us here. I wonder if my shoulder is becoming my own personal weather station?

Since I wrote this it has snowed in Ashville!

Archive timeline: 2014: May and June - preparing for surgery, July - surgery and post op problems, 

August - recovery and physical therapy, September - thinking medically, October - getting back to normal. November...


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