
Monday, November 10, 2014

Looking better...PO Day 148

I am wearing a long sleeve white cotton shirt today. It has a collar and cuffs and a button placket down the front. So, what's so special about that, you say? It is not a wrinkled mess. I can IRON again! I don't know when something changed, maybe in the last ten days. That's kind of how these advances occur, they sneak up on me. It's not that I haven't been trying to iron. I would tip the iron down and slide it around, doing a half good job on the flat front and back and leaving sleeves, cuffs and collars a mess. I just could not pick up the weight of the iron and reposition it and support it to touch up those small areas. It has been easy for me to avoid iron-worthy shirts but poor Dear Husband has looked a bit disheveled since my surgery. At last, we are neat and tidy again.
Furthermore, I have been on a cookie making binge and I can stir the chocolate chips into the cookie dough and the oatmeal and raisins into the batter, no small accomplishment! My secret weapon is a "Danish Dough Whisk" (made in Poland) that cuts through the batter better than a big spoon, less resistance is the key. I have the BEST oatmeal cookie recipe...write me for a copy. Actually it is Cook's Illustrated recipe but I understand you cannot copyright a recipe. Thank goodness.

I still can't dip ice cream with an ice cream scoop but I have discovered that a small metal spatula will shave off thin layers of much too firm ice cream quite efficiently. If one is desperate for ice cream one can become quite creative. Our french door refridgerator is one of those frustratingly malfunctioning bottom freezer models. Periodically the freezer "freezes up" and the refridgerator warms up and I have learned to take a hair dryer to the freezer coils to defrost them and get the cold air circulating again. If you are thinking about buying one, Google the problem before making your purchase. Just a word to the wise. Or is it from the wise?

Last night I almost slept on my right side. There were a lot of pillows involved and I didn't stay long but it was almost normal and felt so natural. I know these are little steps but they all add up to life
returning to the way it should be. I am looking forward to the next serendipitous discovery of what I can do.

Archive timeline: 2014: May and June - preparing for surgery, July - surgery and post op problems, August - recovery and physical therapy, September - thinking medically, October - getting back to normal, November - almost there!


  1. Wow! You are making huge strides to get your life back to your normal! That must feel just wonderful. I'm bringing my basket of wrinkled clothes for you to iron, to use for your PT to help keep that shoulder flexible. You don't have to thank me, I'm just glad to help!

  2. To Ardhanarishwara, the blissfully turing one who resides in the third eye plexus (Ajna Chakra) of each aspirant and who denotes the union of my Param Gurudeva Bhagwan Shiva and my Param Gurudevi Maa Shakti, are offered these salutions, prior this little student continues any further with the text, For more info visit: transmigration of soul
