
Friday, November 7, 2014

Full moon musings...PO day 144 1/2

It's a full moon tonight. Is it true people really act strangely when the moon is in this phase? Is the moon responsible for my arm hurting today? Is the full moon the reason I can't sleep?

The night sky is milky. There's a slight fog that reflects the lunar glow back towards the earth like a dying spotlight. The milky haze obscures all stars and blurs the streetlights into fuzzy balls. Still, it's  bright enough to be able to move around the house as if dawn were breaking. It can't be only 1:00 AM.

Of course the nighttime house is always illuminated in this modern world. With my head on my pillow the red-green-yellow glow of devices in stand by - charge mode brightens the bedroom. The TV "Box" yellow clock glows reassuringly, Dear Husband's electric clock ( battery back up) casts its red light across the room in an arc, my red clock numbers fill the opposite side of the room, from under the bed there's a little red glow from a power strip, a portable telephone in a charging stand glows red and through the open bathroom door the pale yellow-green light from the sonicare toothbrush twinkles. Who needs a nightlight? Who notices a full moon?

But where is the lore of an electronic glow? Does a werewolf emerge from the dark corner of the bedroom. Wow, I hope not, not even in my dreams. Should we plant our garden by the phase of the cable box? Is my mood related to the blinking of the charging toothbrush? Is there any romance in the  joining of our two red clock faces! Can I find a pareidolic image in the shadow cast on the bedroom ceiling?

Tonight is not a super moon nor a harvest moon. It didn't make the nightly news. I didn't even walk outside for a better view.  I didn't see a witch on a broomstick move cacross its face even though halloween is just past. But I'm always mesmerized by its beauty and the predictable appearance of the man in the moon or the woman's profile in the moon. I like the soft glow of the moonlight on the water. And if I would turn off my iPad I might actually discover a little of its romance.


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