
Monday, June 29, 2015

New cholesterol drug PODay 371

New drugs don't come along very often. At least not as often as those of us who take them wish. A new drug is full of promise. Think about the new drug for hepatitis C. One course promises to CURE hepatitis C in 93% of the patients. It does cost in the neighborhood of $63,000.00 to $95,000.00 though.

So a new drug to treat high cholesterol seems kind of anticlimactic. But it is expected that the FDA will approve two new cholesterol drugs this summer. Repatha and Praulent are PCSK9 inhibitors. They block a protein that keeps the liver from clearing the blood of LDL, the bad cholesterol. These injectable antibodies (did you catch that...injectable) may turn out to be safer than statins. During trials the new drugs lowered cholesterol levels by more than 60%. It is projected that they may cut a patient's risk of a major cardiovascular event in half. Further testing is needed to confirm that.

Certainly it will be more expensive than the old tried and true. Hopefully it won't cost $63,000.00. But since it is injectable there will be an office visit involved. And starting a new drug will mean returning more frequently to be sure it is working. And most difficult of all, you'll have rto learn a new drug name.

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