Hooray! I am caught up in the time line.
I am in my second.week of physical therapy. Three times a week. My range of motion, all engineered by the therapist, is increasing by a few degrees each visit. It's hard to not want to support the weight or movement of my arm while she does all the work. A big step today... She added a one pound weight to the routine. I get to do ten gentle curls to strengthen the bicep. Since I have had so little use of my right arm for the last full year I do have some wasting of muscle, not that I had a lot of muscle to start with.
When the stitches were removed 20 days ago the nurse covered the incision with steri-strips. She said to leave them alone and let them fall off on their own. That has been hard to do. But they are now beginning to peel up and with very little encouragement from me, they flake off. The incision is a fine line, hardly apparent. The flesh on either side is slightly numb, as incisions often are, but I am sure the little nerves will reconnect in time. In spite of my dread, my arm just looks like my arm, with a new wrinkle or crease. No quazimodo! Thank goodness. I can't extend the arm to measure its length but I will as soon as I can. I am curious to see if it is longer now.