
Friday, August 1, 2014

If everything is so great why.... PO Day 46

I saw my orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Kai, Wednesday. First, they were really glad to see me looking better. Last visit was when my pneumothorax was discovered. (PODay 10). I rolled into their office in a wheelchair and I'm sure there was a little eye rolling behind the scenes, thinking I was a real drama queen. Everyone including me, was all smiles this time.

I am so pain free that I think it even surprises my doctor. I am beginning to have some use of my arm, just in the past few days of AROM therapy. (That's active range of motion)  The X-rays show everything exactly where it's supposed to be. There's no swelling. The incision looks good. I no longer have to wear the sling unless I am out in crowds. Thank goodness, I was sure I was going to wake up dead one morning, strangled by the sling strap wound around my neck.

So, if everything is so great, why am I still not allowed to pick up anything heavier than a coffee cup? Why can't I hook my bra behind my back? Why can't I use my right arm to shift around in bed or pull the pillow from behind my back? How much harm could be caused by tucking in a shirt or pulling up a tight pair of bicycle shorts with the right hand. I'd like to scratch my right shoulder blade but that's a no-no. And heaven forbid I might lean back on my right elbow.

BECAUSE... The artificial ball and socket are not connected. They're not glued together. The ball slides loosely, freely against the socket. What keeps them together? Inertia? Gravity? A mass of flesh and tissue and vessels, a little muscle maybe. So until all those living cells reconnect and reform and regrow the new joint is not secure. Move the wrong way, especially extension and adduction, and the ball can pop out of the joint and bounce you right back to the operating room!

I am definitely following the rules!

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