If you have been watching the little details of my posts over the past few days, you may have noticed there's been a flurry of name changes. No, my blog had not been taken hostage by a real person with a normal name. Rather, "Willet," who has been around since the inception of willetwithbrokenwing.blogspot.com, decided to upgrade to Google+. It seemed simple enough, a quick click on a link did the deed.
There was a lot to discover about Google+ so it was most of a day before Willet wandered back to Blogger only to learn that she no longer existed on Reverse Total Shoulder Replacement Surgery, A Patient's Point of View. She had been replaced by her alter ego, who shall be known here by the nom de plume Mme. X but was exposed to the cyber world by her true identity.
Mme. X absolutely freaked.
One would think she was worried about identity theft or cyber bullying, internet stalkers or malevolent hackers. No, she didn't see any harm in sharing her personal medical experience with total strangers online. It seemed perfectly reasonable to reveal her private thoughts and angst under the guise of a secret identity. It was much more serious than that.
To suddenly have the mask removed, the veil lifted, her real name attached to every single post was shocking. What if the post was poorly written, the message lost in some pointless platitude, the purloined pearls of wisdom attributed to the real her? Well, it was like when someone noticed the Emperor had no clothes! She had nothing to hide behind.
So Mme. X and I have been scrambling to restore her anonymity and it hasn't been easy. We were never able to bring Willet officially back to life with her simple, innocent personna and nickname. Willet is now mature, experienced, perhaps wiser, and is registered under her full given name and surname, "Willetwithbrokenwing Healing."
But, to her friends here, she is still known as Willet.
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