
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Disclaimer...PO Day 94

I would not be so vain as to worry a reader might think the author of this blog, that would be me, is an expert on any topic about which she might opine. Being opinionated does not make one smart or right or worthy of offering advice to others. My posts are simply the ramblings of a patient who is trying to share her unique experience, which may be nothing like what someone else endures. Feeble attempts to report factual information are based on my own personal, likely distorted, encounters with the world around me, internet searches usually launched in the middle of the night and brief interviews with the medical professional of the day, most especially my orthopedic surgeon.

All names have been changed to protect  the good reputations of  anyone I choose to mention or quote, just in case I get it all wrong. I don't "copy and paste" very much but, if I do, I try to give credit to the true author or site either by wrapping their words in quotes or by stating I am repeating information from a website. My thoughts and words are my own; Dear Husband, children, step children, siblings, near and distant relatives, friends, neighbors and frenemies are merely innocent observers and occasional reluctant subject matter.

I try to keep reported events close to the truth and not take too many literary liberties with the facts. If  'I heard it on the grapevine' I try to make plain that the story or information is at best apocryphal, if not downright false but darn interesting and too good to not include. I hope my reader finds the occasional useful bit of information,  comforting words, or humorous insight I am trying to see in  an otherwise serious situation.

Oh, I know many of the posts are "all about me." I'd love to talk about someone else who has had shoulder surgery but I don't know anyone else so unfortunate. I just don't know how to keep this going without personalizing the subject. And speaking of keeping this going, am I going to run out of things to say? Well, not so far. :)

Archive timeline: 2014: May and June - preparing for surgery, July - surgery and post op problems, August - recovery and physical therapy, September..


  1. Hi Pamela,
    My name is Megan, I'm 25. My friend sent me your blog because she read that you would like to talk to someone else who has had shoulder surgery. I've had 18 shoulder surgeries between both shoulder joints and both shoulder blades. So I guess you can say I'm pretty well versed in the shoulders. I also write a blog about my medical journey. It's called My "ImPossible" Medical Journey. Here's the link: My present day blog is on that link too at the top right. If you want to email back and forth, my email is Hope to hear from you soon!

  2. Wow, and I thought I had gone through a lot. Bless your heart, I hope things are going well for you now. Love to check out your blog...I'm going there now.
