
Thursday, May 28, 2015

Things can go wrong...PODay342

This is a perfect example of why I have to start a new blog...I have a great photo that I want to post but I haven't done it in a while so I can't remember exactly how. No problem, just read the directions. Well, I wish I could. But remember? My blog became corrupted some few months ago and everything written is just "0"s. Everything except what I write which appears in regular text.

Blogspot is a free service of Google. Google created the program but does not provide tech support. There are user established help sites which is a great service to us. But from what I have read the few suggested "fixes" don't work and the solution is to abandon the corrupted blog and start anew.

On top of that I try to limit my posts to reverse total shoulder arthroplasty AND medical news in general. It's true, I do stray frequently. And then there is a night like last night and I just didn't have anything to say. Oh, I could have talked about my latest sewing project or the over abundance of republican presidential candidates or how I figured out how to clean the floor of the freezer compartment in our french door fridge. But that's not what readers are looking for when they somehow stumble onto my blog.

So in just about 23 days I am going to open a new blog and start anew. I'm not going to delete this site...I don't even know if that is possible. But leaving it open preserves any useful information for any new folks who might stumble into it and benefit from some of the information.

So what was my photo? It's an X-ray of an arm with a rTSA implant and the humerus BELOW the implanted titanium shaft has fractured! Not a good day. I suppose this could be one reason my surgeon told me not to fall again. 

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