
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Hospital as insurer...PODay 341

"In a growing response to changes brought by the Affordable Care Act and the move to value-based payments rather than the traditional fee-for-service model, many hospital systems opt for a new strategy: launching their own health insurance plans.
In fact, a 2013 survey by the Advisory Board found 28 percent of hospitals hope to launch their own insurance plan within five years.
It's a dramatic shift, with health systems not just seeking reimbursement from insurance companies for services they provide, but also receiving and paying those insurance claims."

As I drive along I-95 I've been noticing billboard signs touting medical care plans sold by our local hospital. The plan replaces ones medicare and medicare supplement at a great savings..there are some limitations, of course. You have to use their staff physicians only, for instance. I think the deductible situation is different. Your primary care doctor is kind of a gate keeper, limiting visits to specialists, I believe.

It's so hard to really grasp the details of different insurance coverage. Until you have it and use it you don't really know how it works. Kind of like what Nancy Pellosi said about the Affordable Care Act. The House had to pass it before they would know what was in it. I continue to be confused by my medicare and medicare supplement. The "other shoe" dropped a few days ago when I received the supplement's denial of all those huge charges Medicare denied recently. I still don't know why it took almost a year for those bills to show up. And I choose to believe the EOB (explanation of benefits) that says I am not responsible for the exorbinate fees..

At any rate, I don't plan to change horses in the middle of the stream, or change insurers in the middle of a medical crises. Of course, that probably means I'll never change as it seems anymore life is just one health issue after another.

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