
Thursday, April 9, 2015

Everyone is ailing...PO Day 296

Gosh, everyone I know is getting sick. Some minor things but mostly big stuff. Is it just the demographics of the people I hang out with? Do I have some multi symptom contagious disease that I am spreading around? I could imagine up some bizarre theories, it's the water or a government run medical care plot to drum up business.

My relatives on my mother's side always blamed illness or death on the medical establishment. It was the doctor's malpractice or the nurse's misfeasance. I guess that was the twentieth century version of witches at Salem. Now we are more inclined to blame exposure to environmental toxin or bad life style choices.

Maybe it is more basic than that. If you live you are going to die. Of course we all want to live to be 100, but sound of body and mind. That is a rare happening. The human body is a rare and delicate thing. When you think about all the possible things that can go amiss it's amazing any of us make it out of childhood.

I don't have anywhere to go with this. Nothing smart or pithy to say. It's the middle of the night and all I can do is pray for good things for everyone who is suffering. And suggest my healthy friends stay away from me!

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