
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Where is Willet? PO Day 260

It all started about three days ago when the closet chaos caught up with the clothes horse and she couldn't stand it anymore. Now clutter doesn't usually bother her. In fact, clutter can be kind of comforting...all your favorite stuff tucked around you. But even Willet began to feel oppressed by the disorganization. Unworn clothing, out of style shoes and purses, unreachable sweaters, jackets that aspire to vintage but really are just old, suits that boast linebacker style shoulder pads, too small slacks- too large dresses, a sequined jacket from the 80, a favorite coat but too much for florida, etc., etc., etc.

Sorting begat  trying on. Shoes had to be worn, tried to see if they pinched toes. Bags filled with rejects, perfectly wearable relics of past parties, previous pastimes, and prior peccadilloes.  A small stack of sewing projects, repairs or remodels, grew. Long pajama bottoms became short. An ankle length dress became more practical at knee length. Shoulder pads were snipped out and discarded. Bell bottom jeans ... Now we get to the point of the story.

It's no small project to convert boot cut or bell bottom jeans to the new ankle length skinny leg jeans. The flat felled seam, double stitched, has to be picked loose. The hem, also double stitched, is ripped out. A new side seam is marked and stitched. Double check to be sure the legs are the same width at the bottom. The raw edges have to be edge stitched to prevent fraying. Finally, the narrow hem is resewn. Almost finished but Disaster!!! It's hard to explain what happened. Forcefully cutting a thick tab of doubled denim, the tip of the left index finger met the fulcrum of the strong sewing shears as they burst through the fabric obstacle. Unfortunately flesh yielded more readily to the scissors than did the denim.

So now the two fingered ipad typist is a one fingered iPad typist. It's a temporary handicap but it totally chills enthusiasm for creating the written word. Dear husband has offered to be the chief cook and bottle washer but no offers of being a ghost writer are forthcoming. All this just when its time to do the there any chance for an extension?

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! So sorry to hear that you snipped your finger!
    OUCH. The bleeding must have been profuse. Hope it
    heals up quickly for you.
