
Sunday, December 7, 2014

Where is Willet?...PO Day 175

It's 3:00 AM on the east coast, midnight on the west coast...where is Willet?

Well, speaking of those grandchildren...they're here and nothing else is as important, not even one's blog. They used to come stay for a day or even a week frequently but since I injured my shoulder in July 2013 we haven't had them for an overnight visit. It wasn't so much cooking or doing for them as the logistics of getting them here was a problem. They live a good hour and half away.

 So yesterday, for the first time in a long time, I drove about 60 miles to rendez-vous with their mother and pick them up. We spent a couple hours Christmas shopping and then headed home. I handled the driving and the walking in the mall, both crowded with lots of holiday shoppers, very well. Of course, I was highly motivated. It's a short visit. We will meet up again this morning and they will go home.

We had to squeeze one Christmas project into the visit so after dinner we made chocolate Christmas mice. Always a little hard to entertain young teen kids but this was a lot of fun. Pretty messy but it had the benefit of working with food items everyone loves (chocolate, cherries, Hershey kisses, Oreo double stuffs) so it turned into crafting and dessert all in one. Dear Husband was a bit dubious when we started but even he thought the finished product was pretty cute and very tasty.

But mostly, it was so normal. After a year and a half of being a "sickie," an invalid kind of, I was back doing fun little things with the grandchildren. Driving, shopping, cooking...not so much to ask for but out of reach for a long time.

What a great Christmas present for me!

Archive timeline: 2014: May and June - preparing for surgery, July - surgery and post op problems, 
August - recovery and physical therapy, September - thinking medically, October - getting back to 
normal. November. - still recovering.


  1. What a great day you had! Long overdue, but you really deserve the time with your "growing up so fast" grandkids! Yea!

  2. That is great news. And those mouse cookies are the cutest things I have EVER seen! OMG! Wonderful.
