
Saturday, December 20, 2014

Busy days...PODay 188

I am not ready for Christmas and the clock is counting down. Please forgive me if my posts are pretty brief. To make things worse, there is a puzzle on the breakfast table that simply devours my time. I cannot walk past it without stopping for a minute that turns into thirty minutes.

Tomorrow is my last chance to go shopping. Me and a few million other slackers.

I've managed to get packages that have to be mailed off. It's still difficult for me to carry much weight so I have a baby stroller that I use for packages. It's one of those frames meant to receive an infant carrier so there is no seat, just the frame and the sling type basket below. Very handy. Some times I even recruit it to roll groceries in from the car. Definitely use it for trips to the post office.

Our primary care doctor filled out the paperwork for a handicapped parking permit based on Dear Husband's foot-ankle problem. It is legitimate, he is really having a problem walking any distance. The permit really benefits me the most as I drive and let him off at the door. Then I have to park and catch up with him. Now I will be able to park close by, maybe even close enough that he can walk the Distance. It's just another little thing that makes life easier for us.

Finally, I colored my hair tonight. Two good hands! I really could apply the dye very well with my operated right arm. I even semi parted off my hair like you are supposed to do. Using my arm, even behind my back to some extent, is really adding to its range of motion. It's time for a haircut but it has grown so little and is so thin that I think I will pass. Besides I need that time for shopping...or hunting  puzzle pieces!

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