
Thursday, January 15, 2015

Technology...PO Day 214

Yesterday we had a new air conditioning/heating system installed. Living close to the ocean means you replace your equipment more frequently due to rust caused by the salt spray. The new compressor's ID ends with the letter C which stands for Coastal and implies it will hold up longer. We'll see. But one thing we asked for and got was a thermostat that is not smarter then we are. Our ten year old thermostat always thought it knew more about heating and cooling than we did. It was programmed to conserve energy. If we were cold and tried to raise the temperature it would only allow the warmer temp for four hours, then it would revert to the chilly environment sure to save the planet but freeze us.  Ditto if we were hot. You could tell it to make it cooler but first thing you knew it was back up to 80 degrees. Thank goodness for ceiling fans.

It's not just us. Our neighbor confessed that they had changed their Netflix membership to streaming from DVDs in the mail. Problem is that they had not been able to watch a single movie since as they can't figure the new system out.

It took us a while to give in and agree that our car knew when the doors should be locked or not. When our mechanic could not get the flat tire warning light to go off I had to google the question. We've learned to thwart the garage door opener by setting a rake in front of the electronic eye. Before that the garage door had a bad habit of closing while we were unloading the trunk of groceries. Actually that may have been operator error.

Our new dryer resembles the controls of a Boeing 747. Dear husband used to occasionally move wet laundry from the washer to the dryer and start it. Not anymore. There is a way to override the preprogrammed settings but I think the dryer and our old thermostat have the same environmental goals in mind.

My iRobot vacuum is sending a message that sounds like  the tune from Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Problem is that it is nothing like the messages described in the manual. I don't know what it is trying to tell me but it won't run until I decipher the code. I hope it is not a message from extraterrestrials.

A few years ago while at Dear Daughter's house I decided to use her washer. I managed to figure everything out except where to add the detergent. It is futile to ask a four old how to operate the washing machine or where the soap goes. They are only good at solving  computer problems.

My husband marvels at my ability to remember phone numbers. What he doesn't know is that I can't figure out how to save phone numbers on my new cell phone. So it is easier to just remember the numbers.

Right now I am going downstairs and change the thermostat and dare it to argue with me!

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