
Thursday, January 22, 2015

Exercise...PO Day 221

The Christmas season really interrupted my exercise program. But a January doctor visit, not with my orthopod, has gotten me back on the road.  Well, his urging coupled with the accumulated pounds from holiday overindulgence backing him up.

I am now walking two to two and a half miles a day but possibly only five days a week. You know how it is, there is always something interfering with your schedule -weather, appointments, sloth. At least, for now, it is not hot and I don't come home dripping wet. The best thing that can happen is to come upon an unexpected garage sale. It combines two favorite activities, walking and shopping.

You get to know all the neighborhood dogs. I know more doggie names than people's. And, while you might get a brief nod from the  human, the dogs are usually so excited to see you. It can't help but boost your spirits.

 Walking reduces your risk of heart disease and diabetes. It lowers the bad cholesterol and raise the good cholesterol. It increases your vitamin D level and lowers the risk of osteoporosis. It helps control your weight, although it won't take the place of diet. It helps tones muscle, especially abdomen and legs. A recent study shows a walk a day increases your longevity. If you use walking sticks it adds some upper body toning. Sounds like the perfect activity. It can be a little rough on feet and toes. The best technique is alternating shoes so the same spot is not rubbing or irritated every day. It permits social interaction without having to be very social. A brief hello and a smile as you pass neighbors keeps you in touch with the world around you without much demand. And the best thing about walking is that it can be tailored to your individual athletic prowess. You can be a power walker or a stroller, a bird watcher or a neighborhood gadfly.

Okay, I've convinced you. And myself. I'd better get to sleep or I won't feel like stepping out tomorrow morning.

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