
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Reminder call...PODay 377

It's true, I made fun of appointment reminder calls when I first started this blog. As I recall I received a reminder call five days before the day of the appointment. That's long enough for me to need a reminder for the reminder.

So, I knew I had an appointment yesterday, it was on the calendar. But the phone rang Friday and it was another doctors office to remind me of an appointment the same day, the same time. Oops! Thank goodness the second doctor's office is so accommodating. They rescheduled me for a couple days  out.

We keep a calendar, a paper one. And we keep a calendar app that reminds us a day before the appointment. But if I don't put it on there it can't be expected to remind us. Dear Husband tapes the appointment card to the door to his office but it can still get overlooked.

Often, even when our next appointment is one full year off, they will give us the lab orders for the next visit. Do they really think I am going to be able to find those orders twelve months later? I always have to call and ask for them to be resent. I am surprised with the rules for medical offices to be paperless now that there are paper orders. My primary care doctor is computerized but he keeps a paper copy of everything. I guess he is just old enough to not trust storing everything on the computer. So the EHR (electronic health record) is really double work.

Even trying to be paperless, there are papers. I have to sign at least four papers every visit. One is even just a paper attesting that I was really there on that date! On the other hand the hospital has one sign the electronic notepad. My signature on that thing  in no way resembles  my real signature.   But it always "says" signature accepted. Used to be they gave you a stylus, anymore they just say to use your finger tip to sign.

So, remembering to go to the doctor is a job and getting there and signing in is an even bigger task. I don't know how we ever managed to work and keep doctor appointments. Well we definitely didn't go to the doctor as often. And I think I was more organized.

You know that saying..if you want something done, give the job to a busy woman. I guess I am not busy enough.

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