
Monday, June 16, 2014

Order out of chaos, at last

Things are coming together and surgery is tomorrow! It seems as if it has been a long time getting here. I have had time for second thoughts and second thoughts about my second thoughts. I've read many, many websites about Reverse Total Shoulder Replacement surgery. I've been convinced that the replacement socket should be cemented in place and that it should not be cemented in place. I've learned I am a pretty good candidate since I am not a professional weight lifter, am not employed in a physically demanding occupation, have not had previous shoulder surgery, am a "woman of a certain age" that shall go unstated here, and am mentally stable enough to comply with post op instructions.

It appears a surgeon's level of experience is important. There is a pretty high rate of complications in the first seven cases a doctor performs, one site reported. I wonder what number I will be? For some reason infection becomes a lifelong concern. An infected toe nail can spread to the prosthetic shoulder and create problems many years out. Dental work is fraught with danger. Scapular notching is common and problematic but I am not sure what that is or if it can be avoided. Mostly, it  seems, the solution is DON'T DO THAT AGAIN."

One thing I have learned for sure is that I cannot begin to know what my surgeon knows, no matter how much I confer with Dr. Google. There is no Spock "mind meld" that gives me the insight and experience he has. The human body and the individual experience offer unlimited variations that the surgeon has to deal with. So I think I will just "let it go, let it go" and go with the flow. My ducks are finally in a row. I think. And the cookies are out of the oven.

1 comment:

  1. The best of luck to you tomorrow with the surgery! I do think you have made the right decisions with the new doctor and that you will feel much better. Prayers for a speedy recovery!
